Door-to-door salesmen usually have a low basic wage and earn most of their money on commission. 推销员的基本薪资很低,他们挣的大部分钱来自佣金。
These figures are only the basic wage, not including bonuses and benefits. 但这仅是基本工资而已,还不包括奖金和福利。
After ten years of employment the basic wage is around 1090 yuan ( around £ 110 per month). 十年下来,员工的平均基本工资约为1090元。
Guideline B2.2.4 – Minimum monthly basic pay or wage figure for able seafarers. 导则B2.2.4–一等水手的月最低基本报酬或工资数额。
There is no guarantee that you will earn even a basic wage. 你连能否挣到基本工资都毫无保证。
Therefore, when deciding the basic social insurance contributions for different enterprises, the wage level and profit should be taken into account. 因此,应综合考虑企业的工资水平和利润状况确定社会保险缴费基数。
Given the concerns expressed by workers about whether wages cover their basic needs, the FLA recommends a follow-up study to document spending patterns and the actual costs of the components of a basic needs wage, the report said. 报告称:考虑到工人们对工资能否满足他们基本需求所表达的担忧,美国公平劳工协会建议展开后续调查,记录支出类型,以及满足基本需求的工资的各项实际成本。
The system is mainly used for managing employee information and the basic wage calculation. 本系统主要用于管理企业员工的基本信息及工资的计算。
Basic pay or basic salary or basic wage 基本报酬或基本薪金或基本工资
Earlier, for some civil servant, basic wages were paid in wage card and the majority of subsidies were included in bonus card, which were not involved in personal income tax. 此前,海关等部分公务员的一些基本工资项目都在工资卡内发放,多数津补贴则在奖金卡内发放,后者不需要缴纳个人所得税。
The basic wage referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority and submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval. 院核定之。前项基本工资审议委员会之组织及其审议程序等事项,由中央主管机关另以办法定之。
The former is composed of basic wage, longevity pay, and title allowance; 岗位工资包括基础工资、工龄津贴、职称津贴三部分。
It also raised the supernumerary City sanitation workers the basic wage. 福州市还提高了编外环卫工人的基本工资。
It makes a great change in the following aspects: the basic wage, merit pay, welfare, incentive pay etc. 具体从基本工资、绩效调薪、奖金福利等几方面着手,对原有薪酬体系进行了较大的改革与调整。
Third, to make a proper price for capital value of entrepreneur is a basic way to incent its realization, because entrepreneurs obtain wage by transferring his use value of human capital. 企业家通过让渡其人力资本的使用价值获得报酬来实现其人力资本的价值,所以对企业家人力资本给予合理定价是激励其人力资本价值充分实现的最根本的途径。
In order to realize the smooth transition between new basic wage system and the old one, and guarantee the stability during the reform, we must deal carefully with the new things and new problems in the salary revision. 妥善处理工资改革带来的新情况、新问题,以实现新旧基本工资制度的平稳过渡,确保改革的稳定进行。
The salary structure of professional manager from the point of view that workforce is capitalized is analyzed. The owner utility function including basic wage, work dividend and financial capital dividend is set up. 从劳动力资本化角度分析了职业经理人的薪酬结构,建立了包含职业经理人基本工资、劳动股息、金融资本股息的业主效用函数。
So this paper sets forth the reform purpose and the principles of distribution system in institutions, and puts forward a new way of distribution: basic wage+ post wage+ beneficial result wage. 基于此,本文就学校分配制度改革的目的、原则进行了阐述,提出了构建新型的学校内部分配的形式:基础工资+岗位工资+绩效工资。
From the angle of the basic rights and benifit, the paper analyzes the role of the collective negotiation system of wage plays. 从保护劳动者最基本的权益的角度出发,论证工资集体协商制度在维护劳动者合法权益中的作用。
The result shows that the high income of professional soccer players belongs to economic rent. It includes basic wage, bonus and additional income. 结果表明:中国职业足球运动员的高收入属于经济租金,它是由基本工资、奖金和个人额外收入三部分组成;
The Realization of BASIC Wage Program on DJS-131 Computer BASIC语言工资发放程序在DJS&131机上的实现
The focus is compensation system. That includes four parts: ( 1) Basic Wage, including essential standard of living and employee's vitae pay. JX公司的新方案中,薪酬体系包括四个部分:(1)基本工资,包括保证员工基本生活的基础工资和反映员工工龄和学历情况的履历工资;
It summarizes basic models and development tendency of wage income distribution under the conditions of market economy by recalling and comparing wage decision theory and practic in western mature market countries. 通过对西方成熟市场经济国家工资分配理论与实践的回顾与比较,总结市场经济条件下工资收入的基本模式与发展趋势。
Meanwhile, in order to smoothly implement the basic measures, supporting measures were made in the following three aspects: wage control, managing and coordinating inner transfer of the staff and support from company leaders as well as understanding from the staff. 同时为辅助这些基本措施的顺利实施,从控制工资成本、管理协调员工内部流动、公司领导支持和员工理解等几个方面制定了配套措施。
In order to protect the underlying workers 'basic rights, the Shenzhen Municipal Government promulgated the minimum wage in 1992, and with the economic development continue to raise standards. 为了保障底层劳动者的基本报酬权,深圳市政府1992年颁布了最低工资标准,在全国最早实行最低工资制度的地区,并随着经济的发展不断提高标准。
The compensation system is based on bank employee contribution, the responsibility of post, determine the compensation plan, specific includes basic wage, salary, bonus, equity performance plans and benefits. 该薪酬体系是根据银行员工的岗位、贡献、责任等确定薪酬方案的。具体构成包括基本工资、绩效工资、奖金、股权计划和福利等。
Basic wage is the consumption of human capital management a form of monetary compensation, Human capital of the number of wage and property managers of human capital in the enterprise is directly related to the creation of value. 基本工资是对管理者人力资本消耗的一种货币补偿形式,主要是起稳定作用。人力资本产权工资的多少与管理者人力资本在企业内创造的价值直接相关。
In addition to concern the basic wage, the staff pay more attention to performance awards. 其中员工除关注基本工资外,更多的是关注绩效奖励。
Enterprises are the basic unit of the wage distribution. The establishment of a fair and reasonable enterprise wage distribution system not only relates to the immediate interests of workers and the long-term development of enterprises, but also affects social stability and harmony. 企业是工资分配的基本单位,建立公平合理的企业工资分配制度,不但关系到劳动者的切身利益和企业的长远发展,而且影响到社会的和谐与稳定。